Frito Pie

I've seen Frito Pie all over Texas: bars, carnivals, fairs, hot dog stands, and the like. But despite the prevalence of this delicacy, I have never seen a vegan version of it. Luckily the vegan-ization is super simple...this recipe is so easy, you will be eating Frito Pie in about 10 minutes.

But now to address the frijole in the room...there are beans in this recipe. No, Texans do not put beans in their chili. But, yes, vegans do. End of story. Please feel free to air your grievances in the comments section.

Whatever your stance on the beans, you can adjust the recipe to your tastes. You can even add some bell peppers and fresh tomato. However you make it, you will definitely enjoy this recipe for some real down home cooking. 

Frito Pie
1/2 package Boca meat crumbles
1 can dark red kidney beans (rinsed, drained. Mash half)
8 oz can tomato sauce
8 oz water
4 oz bag Fritos (or two single serve bags)
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1/4 tsp cayenne
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp onion powder
white pepper
black pepper
vegan cheddar cheese
chopped onion

1. In a skillet heat 1-2 tsp of oil to medium. Add meat crumbles and cook until lightly brown. 
2. Add all the spices and cook 1-2 minutes, stirring frequently.
3. Add tomato sauce, water and beans. Bring up heat to medium-high. Stir well. Cook 4-5 minutes.
4. Carefully cut open Fritos bag with scissors. If using 4 oz bag, remove half the Fritos and save for later. 
5. Spoon in hot chili over the Fritos, and top with chopped raw onion and vegan cheese.
